State of the Art Gaming Computers

25 computers uploaded with Steam, League of Ledgends, Battlenet, and internet browsers to keep any gamer entertained.

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Pay by the hour, enjoy every minute

Only $4/hour for members. Can't stay an entire hour? No worries! Members keep what they don't use.

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Console just $4/hour for members and $8 for non-members!

PlayStation 4 - X-Box One - Nintendo Switch

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Your happy place is closer than you think

Just another gaming lounge right? Wrong.

The Kardboard Box is a place to meet fellow gamers, anime lovers, comic book enthusiasts, and pop culture aficionados.

Challenge a friend to Smash Bros on our Switch, hang out and debate the newest MCU casting, or squad up to survive Fortnite on our elite PCs.

Whatever brings you here, The Kardboard Box is your place. Your clan. Your guildhall. Your geek retreat.
